Whiteoaks Rest Home

Caring Like Only A Family Can

Our Mission

Whiteoaks Mission Statement


Outstanding people have one thing in common
an absolute sense of mission
Zig Ziglar


Our aim is to create an environment where service users can:

  1. Live as they wish, as they would in their own homes, as far as possible without creating difficulty or hardship to the other service users.
  2. Have visits from their own local doctors and health professionals with full supportive care.
  3. Have a well-balanced and varied diet, always with choices. We also cater for special dietary requirements i.e. diabetic/vegetarian diets.
  4. Pursue their own cultural and religious beliefs (visits from the local clergy can be arranged).
  5. Have visitors whenever they like, however we do kindly ask visitors to refrain from visiting during mealtimes in accordance with our protected mealtimes policy and after 8pm, however prior arrangements can be accommodated.

Our Vision


The best vision is insight
Malcolm Forbes


Whiteoaks Rest Home strives to provide the very highest level of care for all our service users, aiming to offer our service users, a secure, relaxed, caring and homely environment, in which their care, well being and comfort are of prime importance.

Our objective is to continue to exceed our excellent standards and improve our service on a continual basis.

Our Values


One person caring about another represents life’s greatest value
Jim Rohn


Our values are based on:

  1. Privacy: The service user’s right to be left alone.
  2. Dignity: The understanding of residents needs and treating them with respect.
  3. Independence: Allowing service users to take calculated risks, make their own decisions and think and act for themselves.
  4. Choice: Giving service users the opportunity to select for themselves.
  5. Rights: Keeping all basic human rights available to service users.
  6. Fulfilment: Encouraging service users to realise their own aims, enabling them to achieve their full potential through well planned support and care delivered by dedicated, qualified and capable staff who put our service users at the heart of what we do and assist them to achieve these goals in all aspects of daily living.